7 Ways to Maximise Your Budget on Wedding Flowers

7 Ways to Maximise Your Budget on Wedding Flowers

Maximising Budget for Wedding Flowers

Wedding Flower

Flowers are more than just decor at a wedding; they symbolise growth and beauty, marking the new journey of a couple. They add colour, life, and aroma to the occasion, making them an indispensable part of the celebration. However, with the vast array of options and styles, managing the budget for wedding flowers becomes a significant challenge. 


1. Understanding Your Floral Budget


Assessing Your Overall Wedding Budget

Before diving into the specifics of your floral decorations, looking at the bigger picture is essential: your overall wedding budget. A standard guideline suggests allocating 8-10% of your wedding budget to flowers. This includes everything from bouquets to centrepieces and ceremony decor. It’s crucial to clearly understand your financial limits to make informed decisions about your floral arrangements.

Allocating a Realistic Amount for Flowers

Once you’ve determined what percentage of your wedding budget will go towards flowers, the next step is to break it down. Consider the must-haves, like the bridal bouquet, and then move to other elements, like centrepieces, corsages, and ceremony decorations. Being realistic about what you can afford will help you avoid overspending and focus on maximising the impact of your floral decor within your budget.


2. Smart Floral Selections

 Smart Floral Selections

Choosing Seasonal Flowers

One of the most effective ways to cut costs is by choosing seasonal flowers. Not only are they more affordable, but they also guarantee the best quality and freshness. Seasonal flowers don’t require expensive shipping and are readily available, making them an eco-friendly and budget-friendly choice.

Bigger Blooms, Fewer Stems

Selecting flowers with larger blooms, like hydrangeas or peonies,s can be a strategic move. These flowers take up more space, allowing you to use fewer stems while making a significant visual impact. This approach can dramatically reduce the number of flowers needed, reducing the overall cost.


3. Creative Arrangement Ideas

Creative Arrangement Ideas

Mixing Expensive and Affordable Flowers

Mixing high-end flowers with more affordable ones is a great way to achieve a luxurious look without the hefty price tag. You can use expensive flowers like orchids or roses as focal points, surrounded by more budget-friendly options. This creates a complete, lush look while keeping costs down.

Utilising Greenery and Filler Plants

Greenery and filler plants are not only trendy but also cost-effective. Using foliage, ferns, or baby’s breath to fill out arrangements can dramatically lower costs while adding texture and volume. These elements often cost a fraction of the price of traditional blooms but still contribute significantly to the overall aesthetic.

Repurposing Ceremony Flowers for the Reception

Maximise your floral investment by repurposing ceremony flowers for the reception. Bouquets used to decorate the aisle can be moved to the reception area, and altar arrangements can become part of the dining decor. This saves money and maintains a cohesive floral theme throughout your wedding.


4. DIY Flower Arrangements

DIY Flower Arrangements

Hosting a Flower Arrangement Party

For the hands-on couple, making flower arrangements can be fun and cost-effective. Hosting a flower arrangement party with close friends and family before the wedding helps with the budget and adds a personal touch to your celebration.

Simple Yet Elegant DIY Designs

Simple designs often make a strong statement. Minimalist bouquets, single-stem centrepieces, or mason jar arrangements can be elegant yet easy to create. DIY doesn’t mean compromising style; with the right flowers and creativity, you can make stunning arrangements that reflect your taste and save money.


5. Working with a Florist

Working with a Florist

Communicating Your Budget Clearly

Clear communication about your budget is crucial if you work with a florist. A professional florist can offer valuable advice on achieving your vision within your financial constraints. They can suggest alternative flowers or styles that fit your budget, ensuring you maximise your investment.

Seeking Package Deals and Discounts

Don’t hesitate to ask your florist about package deals or discounts. Some florists offer packages that include all wedding floral needs at a reduced price. Also, inquire about seasonal promotions or discounts for early bookings, which can reduce costs.


6. Alternative Flower Options

Considering Silk or Dried Flowers

Silk or dried flowers are excellent alternatives to fresh blooms. They are often more affordable and can be prepared well in advance. Additionally, they last longer, allowing you to keep them as a keepsake or even sell them post-wedding.

Non-Floral Centerpieces and Decorations

Thinking outside the box with non-floral centrepieces like candles, lanterns, or fruits can create an equally stunning effect. These alternatives can be significantly cheaper than floral arrangements and add a unique element to your wedding decor.


7. Last-Minute Flower Tips

flowers in a flower shop for weddings

Preserving Flowers Post-Wedding

Preserving your wedding flowers is a beautiful way to cherish memories from your special day. Research the best method for your flower types and plan accordingly.


Makeup Ideas for Your Wedding Day Based on Your Bouquet

The right makeup complementing your wedding bouquet creates a harmonious and stunning bridal look. Here are some ideas tailored to different types of bouquets:

Classic Rose Bouquet

  • Opt for a romantic look with soft, rosy cheeks and matching pink lipstick.
  • A subtle smokey eye in brown or grey tones adds depth without overpowering the classic elegance of roses.

Wildflower Bouquet

  • Embrace a bohemian vibe with a natural, glowing complexion.
  • Use earthy tones for your eyeshadow and a nude or soft coral lipstick.
  • A touch of shimmer on the eyelids or cheekbones can mimic the playful lightness of wildflowers.

Tropical Flower Bouquet

  • Go bold with vibrant eyeshadow colours like teal or purple to match the exotic hues of tropical flowers.
  • A bright, matte lipstick in a shade of fuchsia or orange complements the vivid bouquet.
  • Keep the foundation simple and dewy to balance the intense colours.

Peony Bouquet

  • A peony bouquet pairs well with a feminine and soft makeup look.
  • Choose pastel eyeshadows and a pink or peach blush.
  • A glossy lip in a subtle pink or peach ties the look together.

Lavender Bouquet

  • Embrace lavender’s calming hue with a hint of lilac or soft purple on the eyelids.
  • A neutral lip colour and a gentle bronzer will keep the focus on your eyes.
  • Consider a lavender-hued highlighter for a unique, thematic glow.

Succulent Bouquet

  • Reflect the earthy tones of succulents with olive or muted green eyeshadow.
  • A terracotta or nude lipstick complements the natural vibe.
  • Use a bronzer for a sun-kissed, natural look that matches the rustic charm of succulents.


flowers for wedding


Why Choose Tina Kristen Weddings?

While you’re beautifully managing your wedding flower budget with these savvy tips, don’t forget another essential aspect of your big day: looking and feeling your absolute best. At Tina Kristen Weddings, we specialise in creating stunning, personalised bridal makeup that complements your unique style and enhances your natural beauty. Let us add the perfect finishing touch to your special day. Contact us today to book your wedding makeup services and ensure you glow as brightly as the gorgeous flowers surrounding you. Remember, your dream wedding look is just an appointment away!



Q: What are the most budget-friendly flowers for weddings?

Consider flowers like carnations, daisies, and baby’s breath for affordable yet beautiful options.

Q: How far in advance should I book a florist?

It’s recommended to book a florist at least 6 to 8 months in advance, especially if you’re getting married in peak season.

Q: Can I mix natural and artificial flowers?

Absolutely! Mixing natural and artificial flowers can be cost-effective for a thoroughly luxurious look.

Q: What are some non-floral alternatives that still look elegant?

Options like candles, lanterns, succulents, and fruits can be elegant, budget-friendly alternatives to traditional floral arrangements.